......discover a new dimension of pre-primary education Our Philosophy in GRS KIDZ is to provide kids with a stimulating, learning environment in which child actively participates, grows and learn naturally. The focus is on exploring creatively and or learning language skills, fine & gross motor skills, behaviour management, fitness and building confidence & self esteem resulting in a CHANGE that shapes the foundation of life
- C. Cognitive skills building Community and Collective leadership
- H. Humane, Honest and upright citizens
- A. Active, Alert And Agile, full of life, on the go Achivers.
- N. Neat, Nice and Noble kids who are fit and fine physically
- G. Gracious, Gallant and Gusty individuals
- E. Emotionally stable environment friendly and eco-coscious resident of the earth
Since GRS School believes that every child is special and focuses on
Learning through fun
Activities at GRS Kids
- Science & Sensory Act
- Creative Art
- Computer Corner
- Book Club
- Music & Movement
- Program
- Dramatics & Pupperty
- Water & Sand Play
- Fitness , Gym , Yoga
- Events and Festival celebration
- Inside Kitchen
- Blocks + Puzzles
Activities at GRS Junior(I-V)
- Music & Movement
- Poems & essay Writing
- Creative Art
- Computer Corner
- Book Club
- Indoors & Outdoors
- Photos
- IQ Quiz
- Events and Festival celebration
- Abacus
- Mental Math Quiz
Activities at GRS Senior(VI-VII)
- Creative Art
- Sports
- Music & Dance
- Writing Skills
- Events and Festival celebration
- IQ Quiz
- Dramatics
- Math Club
- Science Expo
- Computer Quiz