Manager's Message

Prof. O.P. Tiwari

Education is a dynamic and never ending process. The goal ofeducation is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.

We at GRS introduce child with dynamic dimension of education to achieve the above goal. We serve to make learning purposeful and progressive in a planned and positive manner, we prepare the future generations of learners to meet the challenges of an ever advancing knowledge based society and a dynamically changing environment, equipped with appropriate skills and a positive attitude to become global citizen.

We at GRS knows well that a strong foundation in primary classes plays a vital role in shaping life-long learning experiences. We have designed our curriculum so as to enable children to be well prepared and future ready to lead themselves in a progressive and phased manner.

We aim to provide a hostile and broad based education , taking into ambit all aspects of child behaviour so as to equip them to develop their potential for life-long learning.

Thanking you,
Prof. O.P. Tiwari,
B.Tech, M.Tech(Roorkee), Prof. AKTU,